
If you'd like to check out orkut members anonymously, you can prevent other users from knowing you looked at their profile by visiting http://www.orkut.com/Settings.aspx and checking "Disable Profile Visitors."

Note that this will also prevent you from seeing who has viewed your profile. To add this feature back to your profile, you will need to allow orkut members to see that you have viewed their profile by un-checking "Disable Profile Visitors" in your settings.

つまり、人のページに足跡を残したくないときには、セッティングのページで"Disable Profile Visitors."にチェックを入れてね、と。

ただ、ここにチェックを入れると、自分のページをみた人の足あとも見られなくなりますよと。自分のページを見た人のリストがみたければ、あなたが人のページを見た時、足あとを残すように"Disable Profile Visitors."のチェックをはずしてねと。


